International Conference on Sustainable Development, Columbia University, New York, USA, September 2019
United Nations Climate Change Week

International Whale Shark Conference 5, Ningaloo Reef, Australia, May 2019
with my esteemed co-author, Dr Mark Meekan, of the Australian Institute of Marine Science

ADEX Singapore, 2019

Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, Cebu, The Philippines, 2018

ADEX Singapore, 2018

ADEX Singapore, 2017

International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii, 2016
Awarded Best PhD Presentation

ADEX Singapore, 2016

ADEX Singapore, 2016

Returned Australian Volunteers Network (RAVN), Melbourne, December 2016
for the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation, Cebu, The Philippines, 2016

Universitas Hasanuddin, Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2015

ADEX Singapore, 2015

James Cook University, Australia, 2015

Coral Triangle Initiative, Sustainable Marine Tourism Conference, Bali 2015

Coral Triangle Initiative, Sustainable Marine Tourism Conference, Bali 2015