

International Whale Shark Conference 5, Exmouth, Australia, 2019

with my esteemed co-author, Dr Mark Meekan of the Australian Institute of Marine Science


Alert Diver – Diver’s Alert Network (DAN), 2019


ADEX Singapore, 2019


ADEX Singapore, moderating the Sustainable Marine Tourism Forum, 2019


Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, Cebu, the Philippines, 2018


ADEX publishing, Big Blue Book, 2018


ADEX Singapore, 2018


Southern Cross University, Vice Chancellor’s Update, 2017




International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii. Award for Best PhD Presentation, 2016



ADEX Singapore, Appreciation Award, 2016




Origin, Ocean Heroes, USA magazine, 2016

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Coral Triangle Initiative, 4th Regional Business Forum on Sustainable Marine Tourism, Bali, 2015




ADEX Singapore, 2015



Beneath The Sea, New Jersey, 2015

with Leslie Rochat, Amanda Cotton and Cristina Zenato



PADI Profile, Women Divers Day, 2015



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